How relevant is the modern day church to hurting and needy people?
How effective are today’s followers of Jesus in meeting the real needs of people?
The Great Commandment Principle reveals a first-century truth for a twentyfirst-century culture— a simple but profound way of relating to God and others that will restore great relevance to the church while deepening your personal relationships with others. A community of Jesus-followers should be a center of healing and wholeness:
The Great Commandment Principle provides a Biblical priority for ministry and relationships that can forever change the way you relate to God, the way you love those closest to you, and the way you do ministry.
In this book, learn how you, your family and church can:
“Most of us have read too many books, attended too many meetings and gone through too many courses only to conclude: We’re still unchanged, know we are unchanged and the people in our lives can see that we are unchanged. It is time to trust God for something different…a movement of Spirit-empowered transformation.” Dr. David Ferguson, The Great Commandment Network