Each of the FOUR digital Growth Guides are easily accessible on your computer, phone, or tablet and includes videos, exercises, assessments, and research uniquely designed to facilitate caring connections and encourage communication, collaboration, and creativity!
Each flip book contains unique resources such as:
- @ WORK: download a printable pdf of a TEAM MEETING GUIDE with facilitator notes to help you lead conversations around this particular Relational Value.
- @ SCHOOL includes STUDENT-focused video content and exercises especially designed to equip today’s students for meaningful conversations with friends, family, teachers, and others.
- IN FAITH is an optional resource that connects these Relational Values to Biblical examples and stories; it includes a downloadable Bible Study Guide.
- @ HOME you’ll be able to download conversation guides for COUPLE DATE NIGHTS and TABLE TALKS with your FAMILY.
Each of the 4 digital flipbooks (@Home, @ School, @ Work, and In Faith) will provide 4 sessions of content to each of the four areas of life asking the questions:
- What is the need?
- How is it important to me?
- How do we practice the need?
- And how do we live it out wherever we are?
The Relational Need covered in this series is: Acceptance